In order for preparing a solid oral dosage form, tablet quality is of significant concern. Compressibility behavior of different powders and mixtures of formulations and release pattern of any tablets are characteristic measures to define prerequisite quality attributes of any compressed formulations. There are basically two major methods that can be adopted for the preparation of tablets including granulation and direct compression. Later process offer fewer processing steps and agreeable release profile with acceptable quality parameters and hence preferred over granulation method. In this investigation Mebeverine hydrochloride an anti-muscarinic drug is studied for compression and release behavior using various concentrations of filler binders and disintegrants via rotatable central composite design (CCRD) option of design expert (software). Nine formulations were developed from F1 to F9 with Crospovidone (superdisintegrant) as ([X. sub. 1])(-[alpha]= 1.17% to [+ or-][alpha]= 6.83%) and microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel 102, Filler/binder) as [X. sub. 2](-[alpha]= 29.82% to [+ or-][alpha]= 65.18%). Disintegration Time (DT) as ([R. sub. 1]) and Hardness in (kg) as ([R. sub. 2]) were determined as two dependent response variables. The performance of powder blends and formulations was analyzed by micromeritic and physico-chemical and assessments. Dissolution comparisons were statistically analyzed by ANOVA and model dependent and in-dependent methods. Best fit model was found to be Hixon-crowell's model ([r. sup. 2]= 0.995) followed by Weibull's model ([r. sup. 2]= 0.985). The Trial formulations F2, F4, F6 and F8 were also studied on accelerated conditions (40 [+ or-] 5 [degrees] C 75%[+ or-] 5% RH) for stability tests and validity of the formulations in months were also determined between 35-39 months.