The purpose of image quality assessment is to estimate digital images’ perceptual quality coherent with human judgement. Over the years, many structural features have been utilized or proposed to quantify the degradation of an image in the presence of various noise types. Image gradient is an obvious and very popular tool in the literature to quantify these changes in the images. However, gradient is able to characterize images locally. On the other hand, results from previous studies indicate that global contents of a scene are analyzed before the local features by the human visual system. Relying on these features of the human visual system, we propose a full-reference image quality assessment metric that characterizes the global changes of an image by the Grünwald–Letnikov derivatives and the local changes by image gradients. Moreover, visual saliency is also utilized for weighting the changes in the images and emphasizing those areas of the image which are salient to the human visual system. To prove the efficiency of the proposed method, massive experiments were carried out on publicly available benchmark image quality assessment databases.