A Zea may is an important cereal crop. To nourish human and livestock, it is very important that the quality of maize grain and fodder must be higher. A study was conducted to evaluate maize accessions for grain and fodder quality traits. Results indicated that higher heritability was found for nutrient detergent fiber, fodder cellulose, fodder crude fiber, fodder crude and fodder moisture percentage while genetic advance was higher for fodder cellulose, fodder crude protein and fodder ash percentage. High significant genotypic and phenotypic correlation was found among grain protein, oil and starch percentage, nutrient detergent fiber, fodder cellulose, fodder crude fiber & protein and fodder moisture percentage. The higher cumulative additive effect was recorded for acid detergent fiber, fodder crude fiber; nutrient detergent fiber and fodder cellulose suggested that selections may be made to develop synthetic varieties for better quality. Higher dominance effect and degree of dominance indicated that selection may be useful for the development of good quality maize hybrids through heterosis breeding programme. Principle component bi-plot analysis indicated that B-11ŨEV-347, B-11, Sh-139, EV-1097ŨE-322, Sh-139ŨB-316, B-327ŨE-322, B-316, Raka-poshi, B-11ŨPop/209, B-336ŨEV-340, B-327ŨE-322, B-327ŨF-96, EV-1097ŨE-322, RakaposhiŨEV-347, EV-1097ŨPop/209 and EV-1097ŨEV-340 performed better for grain and fodder quality and may be used for improvement of grain and fodder quality of maize.