the form L= ∂/∂ t+ ib_1 (t) ∂/∂ x_1+ ib_2 (t) ∂/∂ x_2 L=∂/∂ t+ ib 1 (t)∂/∂ x 1+ ib 2
(t)∂/∂ x 2, defined on T^ 3 ≃ R^ 3/2 π Z^ 3 T 3≃ R 3/2 π Z 3, where both b_1 b 1 and b_2 b
2 belong to C^ ∞ (T^ 1; R). C∞(T 1; R). The solvability and hypoellipticity depend on
condition (\mathcal PP) and also on Diophantine properties of the coefficients.