Recent increase in gluten allergy has led to high demand for gluten free products such as rice pasta. Although rice grains are rich in bioactive compounds and B vitamins, they are generally low in protein compared to wheat grains. The aim of this study was to determine the quality attributes of soy enriched rice pasta. Five Rice-soy pastas were produced from different blends (10–30%) of soybean flour and rice flour. The proximate composition, cooking quality, colour, texture profile, and sensory attributes of the pastas were determined. Results showed increased in protein (6.7–12.1%), crude fibre (0.8–1.3%), ash (0.6–2.2%) and energy values (379–389 kcal/100g). Fortification improved the colour, reduce cooking time (15.59–15.11 min) but increased cooking loss (7.30–7.49%). The hardness (506–314 g), springiness (1.25–0.71 mm) and chewiness (417–334 g x mm) values decreased while gumminess (417–334 g) increased. Rice pasta enriched with 15% soybean flour was highly ranked for sensory attributes. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that Rice-soy pasta can serve as nutritious alternative to conventional rice pasta, and also add variety to food groups for people suffering from celiac disease.