The importance of upland groundwater systems in providing a medium for nitrogen transformations and processes along flow paths is investigated within the Afon Gwy moorland catchment, Plynlimon, mid-Wales. Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) was found to be the most abundant form of dissolved nitrogen (N) in most soils and groundwaters, accounting for between 47 and 72% of total dissolved nitrogen in shallow groundwater samples and up to 80% in deeper groundwaters. Groundwater DON may also be an important source of bio-available N in surface waters and marine systems fed by upland catchments. A conceptual model of N processes is proposed based on a detailed study along a transect of nested boreholes and soil suction samplers within the interfluve zone. Shallow groundwater N speciation reflects the soilwater N speciation implying a rapid transport mechanism and good connectivity between the soil and groundwater systems. Median nitrate concentrations were an order of magnitude lower within the soil zone (<5–31 μg/L) than in the shallow groundwaters (86–746 μg/L). Given the rapid hydrostatic response of the groundwater level within the soil zone, the shallow groundwater system is both a source and sink for dissolved N. Results from dissolved N2O, N2/Ar ratios and dissolved N chemistry suggests that microbial N transformations (denitrification and nitrification) may play an important role in controlling the spatial variation in soil and groundwater N speciation. Reducing conditions within the groundwater and saturated soils of the wet-flush zones on the lower hillslopes, a result of relatively impermeable drift deposits, are also important in controlling N speciation and transformation processes.