Maternal mortality (MMR) in República Democrática de Timor-Leste (RDTL) is still high among developing countries. Meanwhile, the study on the model of the relationship between medical factors, non-medical factors and factors of health care system to reduce these figures has not been done in-depth study and independent. Objective: This study aims to demonstrate health behavior and health status as a contributing factor to maternal deaths throughout Timor-Leste. Methods: The study used a case-control study design study with a retrospective approach to study the correlation dynamics between cause and effect factors. The variables collected include the characteristics, behavior and health status of the mother. Then the odds ratio is calculated to explain the strength of the causal factor influencing the effect. In this study involving 298 pregnant women living as well as the mother's family gave birth to die at 13 Municipios throughout Timor-Leste.