Feline blood types A, B, and AB are known for several years. However, the exact mode of inheritance of type AB blood is still unknown. The use of Triticum vulgaris lectin and the anti-A serum is by far the most common method for feline blood typing. T. vulgaris lectin is known to identify a sialoglycoprotein in type B and AB animals, and it also recognizes N-acetylneuraminic acid gangliosides derivates. On the other hand, anti-A serum recognizes N-glycolylneuraminic acid derivates. In the present work, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), thin-layer chromatography (TLC), and TLC immunostaining with monoclonal antibodies P3 and 14F9 were used. N-acetylneuraminic and N-glycolylneuraminic derivate gangliosides were confirmed as major determinants in feline blood types However, by the use of HPLC, six ganglioside patterns were found. Type B cats showed only one pattern, but type A animals revealed the presence of three distinct patterns. Serological type AB cats presented two patterns that overlap with the three from type A cats. In conclusion, ganglioside patterns from A and AB blood types cats diverged from the serological classification.