Fluoxetine is an antidepressant of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor drug. It is used in treatment of depression, panic and anxiety. Also, it may decrease the risk of suicide in those over the age of sixty-five years. The current study was planned to investigate the histological effect of oral administration of fluoxetine (10 mg/kg body weight/day) on liver, kidney and cerebrum of male rats. Rats were divided randomly and equally into two groups; control group (n= 8) and fluoxetine-treated group (n= 8). After one month of administration; liver, kidney and cerebrum tissues would be taken to make histological slides. Histological alterations were observed in liver such as presence of few dead hepatocytes, congested blood vessels and inflammatory cells. Kidney also showed histological changes; in the cortex region include shrunken glomeruli tuft, hemorrhage and degenerated cells while in the medullary region included thickened wall of tubules and some of the epithelial tubule cells were degenerated. Alterations in the cerebrum were the presence of dead neuronal cells in the second and third layers of grey matter were due to fluoxetine. In conclusion, fluoxetine had a minute effect on the histological structure of liver, kidney and cerebrum tissues.