The viability of a parameterless hybrid data assimilation algorithm is investigated. As an alternative to the traditional hybrid covariance scheme, hybrid gain data assimilation (HGDA) was proposed to blend the gain matrix derived from the variational method and the ensemble-based Kalman filter (EnKF). A previously proposed HGDA algorithm uses a two-step process applying the EnKF with a variational update. The algorithm is modified here to limit the variational correction to the subspace orthogonal to the ensemble perturbation subspace without the use of a hybrid weighting parameter, as the optimization of such a parameter is nontrivial. The modified HGDA algorithm is investigated with a quasigeostrophic (QG) model. Results indicate that when the climatological background error covariance matrix B and the observation error covariance R are well estimated, state estimates from the parameterless HGDA are more accurate than the parameter-dependent HGDA. The parameterless HGDA not only has potential advantages over the standard HGDA as an online data assimilation algorithm but can also serve as a valuable diagnostic tool for tuning the B and R matrices. It is also found that in this QG model, the empirically best static B matrix for the stand-alone 3DVAR has high variance at larger spatial scales, which degrades the accuracy of the HGDA systems and may not be the best choice for hybrid methods in general. A comparison of defining the orthogonal subspace globally or locally demonstrates that global orthogonality is more advantageous for stabilizing the hybrid system and maintains large-scale balances.