Agriculture is the backbone of Rwanda’s economy with more than 80% of the population involved in farming, contributing more than 30% to the country’s GDP and 70% of its exports. The livestock subsector contributes 30% to the overall agricultural GDP. However, Rwanda’s agricultural sector faces large challenges in terms of productivity. The population grew from 9.5 million people in 2005 to an estimated 10.8 million in 2011. If the current population growth of 2.8% continues, Rwanda would reach 26 million inhabitants by 2050, translating to a population pressure of 1,000 people per km2 (NISR, 2011). Therefore, Rwandan policy making has renewed its commitment to intensification for sustainable agricultural development. A “productive and market-oriented agriculture” is the fifth pillar of Rwanda’s Vision 2020, aiming to reduce the population relying on agriculture to 50% by 2020, practicing highly productive and market-oriented farming (MINECOFIN, 2000).