Aim: To develop an extended asphyxia‐score based on cerebral ultrasound (US) and MRI in order to gain further insight into the pathophysiology of asphyxia.
Patients and Methods: First week cerebral US and MRI of 80 asphyxiated term infants were scored according to a new scoring system based on separate grading of injury to deep grey matter and to (sub)cortical/white matter. Our findings were compared with published scoring systems.
Results: Six patterns of brain injury were derived: deep grey matter injury with either limited or extensive cortical involvement, damage to deep grey matter with watershed injury, isolated watershed injury, isolated white matter injury (leukomalacia) and isolated cortical necrosis. The mortality rate was considerable in patterns with extensive cortical injury.
Conclusion: Six patterns of brain injury, following term‐birth asphyxia were found using a new imaging score.