This study was aimed to evaluate the association of different dimensions of high involvement work practices with employee performance in the health department. These high involvement practices are shared decision making, compensation and rewards, shared information and organizational training. This research adopted the quantitative techniques for collecting and analyzing the data. Data was collected through a survey, and the questionnaire has been adopted as the tool of data collection. This survey has targeted the employees of health department that includes doctors, nutritionists, dispensers and other staff at rural health centers. This survey has selected 202 employees through distributing the questionnaires, after collecting all the questionnaires, data has recorded in SPSS for analyzing statistically. Results showed that all four dimensions of employee involvement keep a significant association with employee performances. All the variables in this study keep a significant relationship with each other. Furthermore, it has revealed that shared information and organizational training keep the increasing importance of effecting employee performances. This research has highlighted the essential recommendations and directions for further studies. The stronger correlation has been assessed among rewards and employee performances. Separate impact of such factors like competitive salaries, fair rewards and recognition system have been found as significantly associated with the higher performance level of the employee performance in the organizations.