The goal of this study was to compare lesion durability between high-power short-duration (HP-SD) and moderate-power moderate-duration (MP-MD) ablation strategies.
HP-SD radiofrequency ablation (RFA) was developed to improve pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) by reducing the effect of catheter instability inherent to MP-MD ablation strategies. However, its long-term effect on lesion durability for the treatment of atrial fibrillation is unknown.
Patients with atrial fibrillation (n = 112) underwent PVI using HP-SD ablation (45 to 50 W, 8 to 15 s) with contact force-sensing open irrigated catheter. Cavotricuspid isthmus, mitral annular, and roof lines were permitted. A control group (n = 112) underwent ablation using MP-MD ablation (20 to 40 W, 20 to 30 s) with similar technology. Chronic PV reconnection was examined in patients who required a redo procedure (HP-SD ablation, n = 18; MP-MD ablation, n = 23).
The rate of PVI at the completion of the initial encirclement was similar between the HP-SD and MP-MD ablation strategies (90.2% vs. 83.0%; p = 0.006). The HP-SD strategy required shorter RFA time (17.2 ± 3.4 min vs. 31.1 ± 5.6 min; p < 0.001). The incidence of chronic PV reconnection was lower with HP-SD ablation (16.6% vs. 52.2%; p = 0.03). Areas of chronic reconnection were associated with catheter motion ≥1 mm for ≥50% application duration. In a higher proportion of HP-SD applications, catheter motion was <1 mm during ≥50% duration (88.6% vs. 72.8%; p < 0.001), allowing energy delivery with greater stability. Both ablation strategies were effective for cavotricuspid isthmus; however, the HP-SD strategy was less effective for mitral annular lines, requiring ablation at lower power for longer duration to avoid steam pops.
HP-SD ablation may improve PVI durability, and it shortens RFA time. However, ablation in thicker myocardium often requires lower power applied for longer duration, allowing deeper lesions without tissue overheating.