Livestock rearing not only helps agriculture and production of manure, but also the production of milk and meat. After the first and second Green revolution, the importance of livestock in India goes beyond the function of food production. It is an important source of draught power, manure for crop production and fuel for domestic use. Thus, by minimizing use of non-renewable energy, livestock make a positive contribution to the environment. Although crops and livestock are interdependent to a large extent, the latter constitute an important mechanism for coping with the risks of crop failure. In land-scarce economies, livestock provide livelihood support in terms of income and employment generation to the millions of landless and small landholder. The present study also tries to investigate the role of livestock husbandry in the socio-economic development of an agricultural district of north India. The study reveals that Mahamaya Nagar district has witnessed considerable change in livestock sector. The role of livestock in providing food, livelihood and ensuring sustainable cropping system is evident. Livestock rearing is mostly practiced by the unprivileged and the deprived social groups and it gives employment to the rearers. Thus, the study reveals the importance of the livestock rearing and its impact upon the development of the Mahamaya Nagar district.