Objectives/Hypothesis To estimate the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic on the 2021 otolaryngology match with regard to geographic clustering, interview distribution, applicant‐reported costs, and matched applicant characteristics. Study Design Retrospective cohort study. Methods Survey data from applicants to otolaryngology residency programs were obtained from the Texas Seeking Transparency in Applications to Residency database. Applicant differences between the 2021 match year and prior match years (2018, 2019, and 2020) were analyzed using two‐sided t‐tests, Chi‐square tests, and Fisher's exact tests. Results A total of 442 otolaryngology residency applicants responded to the survey, including 329 from the match years 2018 to 2020 and 113 from match year 2021. In 2021, 30.7% of responding applicants reported matching at a program where they had a geographic connection, compared to 40.0% in prior years (P=. 139). Matched applicants in 2021 reported attending less interviews than applicants in prior years (mean 12.2 vs. 13.3, P=. 040), and 26.1% of responding applicants reported matching at a program where they sent a preference signal. Applicants in the 2021 match reported significantly lower total costs than applicants in prior years (mean difference− 5,496,95%confidenceinterval− 6,234 to− 4,759;P<.001).Comparedtopriormatchyears,matchedapplicantsin2021hadnomeaningfuldifferencesincharacteristicssuchasUnitedStatesMedicalLicensingExamboardscores,clerkshipgrades,honorssocietymemberships,researchoutput,volunteerexperiences,orleadershipexperiences.ConclusionBasedonthissample,therewasnoevidenceofsignificantinterviewhoardingorincreasedgeographicclusteringinthe2021otolaryngologymatch,andtheCOVID‐19pandemicdidnotappeartoresultinsignificantlydifferentmatchedapplicantcharacteristics.LevelofEvidence4Laryngoscope,132:1177–1183,2022
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