Current Venus tectonics suggests a stagnant lid mode of mantle convection. However, the planet is debated to enter an episodic regime after long quiescent periods, driven by resurfacing due to rapid subduction and global crustal recycling. Tessera regions that cover approximately 10% of Venus' surface appear to be strongly deformed, which suggests that they have survived at least the latest resurfacing event, although the composition and age of the tesserae are unknown. Based on mantle convection modeling, we studied the effects of anomalous crustal provinces (ACPs) on mantle dynamics and postoverturn lithospheric survival. As a hypothesis, we assume ACPs to be thick, compositionally anomalous, and rheologically strong units, similar to terrestrial cratons. We model Venus with a varying number of preimposed ACP units and differing lithospheric yield stress in 2‐D and 3‐D spherical geometry. The impact of ACPs on mantle dynamics and the survival of lithosphere is investigated by examining the thermal evolution, crustal thickness, and surface age distribution. We find that the number and timing of overturns are highly dependent on the yield stress and, to some degree, on the number and size of the preimposed ACPs. ACPs in particular affect the wavelength of convection and may foster the survival of lithosphere even of those portions not being part of an ACP. However, ACPs do not seem to be a good analog for tessera regions due to their exaggerated age and (likely) thickness, but—with appropriate density contrast—may be more useful representatives of Venus' highland plateaus.