Working towards improved neuromyoelectric control of dexterous prosthetic hands, we explored how differences in training paradigms affect the subsequent online performance of two different motor-decode algorithms. Participants included two intact subjects and one participant who had undergone a recent transradial amputation after complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and multi-year disuse of the affected hand. During algorithm training sessions, participants actively mimicked hand movements appearing on a computer monitor. We varied both the duration of the hold-time (0.1 s or 5 s) at the end-point of each of six different digit and wrist movements, and the order in which the training movements were presented (random or sequential). We quantified the impact of these variations on two different motor-decode algorithms, both having proportional, six-degree-of-freedom (DOF) control: a modified Kalman filter (MKF) previously reported by this group, and a new approach - a convolutional neural network (CNN). Results showed that increasing the hold-time in the training set improved run-time performance. By contrast, presenting training movements in either random or sequential order had a variable and relatively modest effect on performance. The relative performance of the two decode algorithms varied according to the performance metric. This work represents the first-ever amputee use of a CNN for real-time, proportional six-DOF control of a prosthetic hand. Also novel was the testing of implanted high-channel-count devices for neuromyoelectric control shortly after amputation, following CRPS and long-term hand disuse. This work identifies key factors in the training of decode algorithms that improve their subsequent run-time performance.