The use of antibiotics in poultry and livestock industry, as documented by several authors,(O’Sullivan, 2001; Acurcio et al., 2014) have resulted in the emergence of persistent residual antibiotics in organs, eggs, meat, poultry, milk and dairy products (Peters et al 2009, Done and Halden, 2016). Some of these residual products have been implicated as potential carcinogens, causes of neurologic and gastro-intestinal disorders, allergens in hypersensitive individuals and the development of antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains (FAO/WHO, 2004; Adewuyi et al., 2011). The use of probiotics has been found to be clinically important in the prevention and treatment of diseases in animal and man (Gauthier, 2002; CAST, 2007; McFarland et al 2014; Manuel et al 2016). Probiotics have also been reported to suppress acute and antibiotic-associated diarrhoea, alleviate lactose intolerance and postoperative complications, exhibit antimicrobial and