This study aims to determine the effect of the use of several types of cytokinin to the stevia micro shoot growth response. The design of this study used a completely non factorial randomized design, including 3 types of cytokines (Kinetin, BAP, TDZ) with 6 replications. Parameters measured include the percentage of eksplan form buds, when shoots appear, the number of shoots and shoot length. The observed data were analyzed by analysis of varians (ANOVA). To know the difference between treatment conducted DMRT test at 5% level. The results of the study (30 HST) showed that all explants from the segment were able to form buds. Of the several types of cytokines being tested, the three types of cytokinins gave a distinctly uniform effect on the appearance of the shoot, the average occurrence of buds from all treatments at 2 HST. In the parameter of shoot number and length, BAP able to spur the growth of the number and length of shoots is an average of 6 shoots per eksplan with length 4 cm per eksplan. The results are better than zpt Kinetin and TDZ.