In this paper, chloride (Cl−) binding isotherms are developed for cement hydration compounds, specifically, calcium-silicate-hydrates (CSH) and AFm phases including mono-sulfate aluminate, hydroxy-AFm, monocarbonate-AFm, and hemicarbonate-AFm, in simulated concrete pore solutions to account for the effect of pH and the presence of other ions. pH and the presence of other ions have a strong influence on the Cl− binding capacity of cement compounds, which have not been taken into consideration in previous research. A novel experimental technique is developed to characterize the binding capacity from very low (1 mM) to very high concentrations (5 M). To overcome the existing challenges of measuring both low and high Cl− concentrations without significant dilution and in the presence of SO42− and OH− ions, a potentiometric method was used. The amorphous CSH in the hydrated cement paste; thus, the heterogeneity of the hydrated components of the cement paste was also quantified and accounted for in this study.