This paper examines the influence of different warp densities on changes of relevant physical-mechanical properties of coated fabrics. Coating process of cotton fabric was performed by polyurethane coating.In order to examine the impact of polyurethane coating on the properties of multi-component materials, with a fabric as a basic component,tests were carried out on the fabricwith different warp densities: 24, 22, 20, 18 and 16 threads/cm before polyurethane coating. Weft density did not change and for all samples remained the same (11 threads/cm).
The results of the study indicate that physical-mechanical properties of fabric, with different warp densities, before coating, differ fromphysical-mechanical properties of coated fabric with respectivelydifferent warp densities. Just minimal warp density reduction leads to significant change of the basic fabric properties, as well as the properties of multi-component material with appurtenant fabric. Changes in warp density provide significant correlation coefficients between the warp density and physical- mechanical properties of fabrics and multi-component materials.
This research proved existence of significant influence of fabric parameters on the properties and qualitative characteristics of an end product.