Savonius wind turbine is simple but effective to be applied in a relatively low wind speed and inconstant direction. The performance of Savonius type wind turbines decreases in relatively high wind speed. This is caused by the presence of turbulence in the airflow shortly after passing the blades on Savonius wind turbines [1]. The highest average efficiency in Savonius turbines is 16%[2]. This value is so small that certain innovations are needed to improve turbine efficiency. The presence of wind collisions in the inactive blades results in obstacles to the turbine rotation.
The effect of the number of blades on conventional Savonius turbines shows that turbines with a number of 2 blades have a slightly higher rotor rotation value than turbines with 3 blades [3]. Another study shows that using 4 Savonius turbine blades has an efficiency value of up to 10%. The efficiency value is also greatly influenced by the ratio of the gearbox used.[4]