The development of ICT technology (Information and Communication Technology) is currently very rapid, creating tools to support human life. Information and communication technology are devices consisting of hardware, software, processes, and systems used to help the communication process between humans be successful. The problem in creating batik tulis clothing is that there have not been many collaborations with ICT technology so far. Both ICT technology and the creation of batik tulis are still running, respectively. On the other hand, today’s human needs for clothing are not limited to body coverings and fashion but also develop as a means of security, communication, and data storage. The method used in this paper is qualitative-experimental using the design creation stage. The finding of this creation is that human needs for batik are also increasing; it is necessary to create a creation that combines ICT technology and batik tulis to answer human needs in the era of 4.0. This creation can be a solution to human needs for security, communication, and data storage that is integrated into a batik tulis cloth.