Agarwood is an aromatic substance in the form of lump brown, blackish brown till that forms the lining of aloe wood. One of agarwood-producing trees were trees Karas (Aquilaria malaccencis, Lamrk). The research method using a randomized block design with 5 treatments, namely in the drill without a given isolate/control (P1), isolate the fungus Fusarium sp. in solid medium with a dose of 2 g/hole (P2), isolates fungus Fusarium sp. in solid medium with a dose of 4 g/hole (P3), isolates fungus Fusarium sp. in liquid medium with a dose of 2 cc/hole (P4) and isolate the fungus Fusarium sp. in liquid medium with a dose of 4 cc/hole (P5). Each treatment consisted of 3 blocks. Obtained data were analyzed range, if a real influence on the level 5%, then followed by DMRT test. The parameters measured were: infection, changes in wood color, fragrance and yield levels. The best dose is the use of liquid isolate as much as 4 cc per hole drill that produces yield of 2.21% with a rate of less fragrant scent at the age of 5 months after inoculation and brown. This shows the indication and the correlation between media culture isolates against infection agarwood-producing trees.