The goal of IER-479 is to design uranium critical experiments that can be used to validate low temperature cross sections and criticality safety analyses over multiple neutron energy regimes. Currently, there are no benchmarks in the International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project (ICSBEP) handbook at temperatures lower than room temperature (International Criticality Safety Benchmark Evaluation Project Handbook, 2019). However, there are many needs for validation of criticality safety analysis at lower temperatures, including meeting transportation requirements and operations conducted outside or in unheated facilities. Additionally, NCSP has funded North Carolina State (NCSU) to generate new thermal scattering laws, including at lower temperatures, and the lack of integral benchmarks impedes data testing of these new cross sections. To address these needs, this report will present a critical experiment design covering various fission energy regimes with a goal temperature of -40°C (-40°F), which is based on the lower bound of expected non-cryogenic operational temperatures. The goal of the U.S. Nuclear Criticality Safety Program’s (NCSP) Thermal/Epithermal eXperiments (TEX) is to design and conduct new critical experiments to address high priority nuclear data needs from the nuclear criticality safety and nuclear data communities. The TEX program includes two series of baseline experimental configurations, one based on plutonium fuel (plutonium-aluminum Zero Power Physics Reactor (ZPPR) plates) and the other based on uranium fuel (highly enriched uranium (HEU) plates), that are moderated with varying thickness of polyethylene to create assemblies which span the thermal, intermediate, and fast fission energy regimes. The configurations are designed to be easily modified (for example, to add diluent materials of interest) to allow for efficient generation of additional benchmark configurations and allow for added nuclear data testing utility when comparing modified configurations to baseline configurations. The goal of IER-479 is to use the TEX-HEU concept (stack of HEU plates and polyethylene moderators) to design a critical experiment that can be used to validate low temperature cross sections and criticality safety analyses.