In the last few decades, there has been a significant increase in demand for Wearable Assistive Technologies (WATs) useful to overcome functional limitations of individuals. Although advances in Computer Graphics (CG), Computer Vision (CV), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have the potential to address a wide range of human needs, fully integrated systems that consider age-related changes in elderly people are still pretty uncommon. In this work, we present a WAT that follows interaction design guidelines to ensure reliability, usability, and suitability for everyday use. The WAT enables elderly people to improve interactions with Mixed Reality (MR) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. It properly aids and assists elderly people in daily activities such as analysing the environment, recognising and searching for objects, wayfinding, and navigation. We believe that this technology is helpful for blind, low-vision, or hearing-impaired independent elderly people to improve their quality of life while maintaining self-independence.