Meaningful learning is intertwined with experiences that connect the learner with their professional world. These authentic encounters through potentially meaningful signs and concepts are assimilated within the cognitive structure of learners contributing towards transformative learning. 1 Health care delivery today is largely a team based and collaborative affair and therefore calls for learning opportunities that foster the knowledge base, skills, attitudes, and values that seek to transform learner attitudes which empower them to practice collaboratively towards the broader goal of enhancing health outcomes. This perspective review is based on our assumption that the framework for interprofessional education and collaborative practice may be useful in the context of introducing and sustaining tenets of teamwork and collaboration in the health professions curriculum. Interprofessional education is the method of educating professionals together to obtain a common goal. The WHO states that,“Interprofessional education occurs when two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes”. 2 Interprofessional Education(IPE) of healthcare professionals is aimed to be a precursor for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice (IPCP). It is obvious that when students from diverse health professions learn and train together, they will be better equipped to work together. Interprofessional collaborative practice is “when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds work together with patients, families, carers, and communities to deliver the highest quality of care”. 3 However, learning opportunities that foster interprofessional education and practice remain largely sparse in our educational environments. With reports on the valued experiences of collaborative practice conducted by health care teams during the COVID-19 pandemic globally, interprofessional approach as a framework for introducing teamwork and collaboration in health professions curricula is worth exploring. 4