It has been more than fifteen years since Mark Weiser’s and his Xerox Parc colleagues’ seminal and trans-disciplinary work on a vision for a ‘calm’and human-centred kind of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp) for the twenty-first century. Although its ongoing realisation is in a number of respects quite different from the original vision, that vision is now considerably more of an actual fact. Its very realisation, as well as the differences, are due in part to interim economic and technical advances, such as affordable, multifaceted microscale sensors and actuators and an expansion of decentralised networking capacities via new Internet protocol practices for the billions of computational entities worldwide, thus paving the way for an adequate ubicomp infrastructure and an actual Internet of Things. Partly, ubicomp has become real in new and different ways because a miniaturisation of components and a global cultural acceptance in practice have permitted mobile wireless devices (such as mobile phones, iPods and other MP3 players (Bull 2007), PDAs and Blackberrys, iPads, notebooks) to achieve an unprecedented distributed pervasiveness—outnumbering humans globally, perhaps only superseded technically by embedded computational units. Ubicomp infrastructures, stationary units and mobile devices continue to form new hybrid platforms, converging in ever-extending cultures of connective systems available through wireless networks as well as landline broadband networks—as in current cloud computing initiatives. In its cultural practices the resulting third wave of computing continues to permeate and break down traditional modern boundaries of space and time, not least any clear-cut distinctions of the near and the far, the now and the past, the private and the public sense of space and time (Augé 1995, Bogard 2007, Colebrook 2004, Crang and Thrift 2000, De Landa 2007, Dourish 2006, Featherstone 2008, Habermas et al. 2004, Lefebvre 2004, Lefebvre and Goonewardena 2008, Manovich 2006, Massumi 1995, Thrift 2008, Willams et al. 2005). Insofar as ubicomp leads to a growing inherence or an immanence of our life form, its technological platforms sink deeper into the skin of human agency—often, if not always, receding from conscious perception and sensation into a peripheral background... Since its early inception as part of the technologies being deployed through digital media, ubicomp has led to remarkable alterations of our ways of being in the world (Morley 2004). Combining with social and personalised mobile media, as well as with physical tangible interfaces, ubicomp, pervasive computing or ambient intelligence has generated a flow of innovative technocultural developments saturating even the most innocuous activities of our everyday life: the time keeping of daily routines; our communications with family, friends, and colleagues; our performance in work-related