The inhibitive effect of cumin extract as corrosion inhibitor for pure Aluminium in 1N HCl has been investigated by using Weight loss, Galvanostatic polarization and Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. The results obtained reveal that inhibition efficiency increases with increase in concentration of inhibitors but decreases with increase in temperature. The value of apparent activation energy shows that the cumin extract acts as a good inhibitor for pure Aluminium in acid medium. The values of free energy of adsorption and heat of adsorption show that the adsorption of cumin extract on Aluminium obeys mixed adsorption and exothermic in nature. Thermodynamic consideration shows that adsorption of cumin extract follows Langmuir Adsorption isotherm. The Galvanostatic polarization measurement indicates that the inhibitor is of mixed type. Electrochemical impedance study results are in good agreement with weight loss and Galvanostatic polarization studies.