The unified power flow controller (UPFC) is the most versatile flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) controller which can be used to control active and reactive power flows in a transmission line in addition to the bus voltage. The active series compensation is provided by injecting series reactive voltage. The voltage at the two ports of UPFC are regulated by control of shunt current and series real voltage. It also has several operating control modes such as voltage and power regulation, line impedance compensation, etc. This paper presents the analysis and study of sub-synchronous resonance (SSR) characteristics of UPFC. The various combination of operating modes of shunt and series converters are considered for investigating their effect on SSR characteristics. The analysis of SSR with UPFC is carried out based on frequency domain method, eigenvalue analysis and transient simulation. The frequency domain method considers D-Q model of UPFC for the computation of damping torque for quick check in determining torsional mode stability. The study is performed on IEEE First Benchmark Model (FBM).