TA/MS (thermal analysis coupled with mass spectrometry) was applied to the pyrolysis of Chinese coals with different ranks. A total of 13 Chinese coals were investigated. The samples were deliberately chosen to represent the 13 types of Chinese coals according to the Chinese coal classification system. The experiments were carried out in an argon atmosphere with a flow rate of 150 ml min-1. The samples were heated from 40 up to 1200°C with a constant heating rate of 10 k min-1. The main evolved pyrolysis products were identified through the on-line recorded mass spectra. The thermal and evolution behavior was compared between the coals. The results showed a strong thermal and evaluation behavior dependence on the coal rank. Different aliphatic fragments and also some aromatic substances, which are of environmental concern (BTX, PAHs), were found to be released depending on the different types of coal.