One of the key issues in Cyber- Physical Productions Systems (CPPSs) is the software re-utilization across all the devices. Also, the lack of programming knowledge from factory managers has led to the introduction of the IEC61499 visual programming paradigm, where each block functionality is abstracted into function blocks (FBs), which can be reused and deployed to a distributed system. That standard facilitates the management and development of CPPS, combining FBs into complex pipelines, deployed in distributed devices. However, the implementation of this paradigm to address the aforementioned problem brings itself, other necessities such as the FBs management, execution monitorization, and their previous download by the embedded devices. This work's main goal is the development of a centralized platform, Jurassic Park, to manage and monitor FBs. Jurassic Park will enable the automatic distribution of FBs among the embedded devices in a CPPS, functioning as a central repository of software components, and having monitoring features, that allow the detection of flaws or malfunctions on those components. In the end, several tests have been performed to validate Jurassic Park, namely usability, monitoring, and performance tests.