This study describes the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers Indonesia (AIMI) as an NGO that has built social movements to support breast feeding and nursing mothers in Indonesia. AIMI as a socio-political actor shapes the perception and behaviour of society to ensure the maternity right that has been recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). This research uses qualitative-descriptive method with inductive approach. The data obtained through the online media content analysis, interviews, and literature study. It concludes thatfacebook became instrument of internalization of ideas, the dissemination of ideas, and claims of truth for AIMI where: 1) Breast milk is the best food for infants, 2) nursing is a baby and mother’s rights that should be supported through government policy and infrastructure, and 3) breastfeeding barriers experienced by mothers can be overcome with well established methods and knowledge. AIMI’s digital community was createdinteraction in the form of presents text and images that lead to perceptions and behaviour indirectly strengthen the enactment of Government Regulation No. 33 in 2012 and 2013 Permenkes No. 15. The online publicationhas involved AIMI campaigns, educational information, socialization, training and consulting through facebook or discussion service with Lactation Counselor.