In this article, a distributed control algorithm for a large-scale fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarm system of collision avoidance and formation maneuver is proposed, which can meet the demands of a dense swarm with collaborative autonomy. First, a novel structure of a swarm is introduced, which can provide the reserved maneuverable space for UAVs during the flight. Besides, inspired by the movement of bird flocks, the light transmission model is proposed to improve the conventional potential field functions, which can realize the UAV swarm with the capability of repulsion in the short-range, speed and position cooperation in the middle range, and attraction in the remote range. Then, the distributed control architecture and the control algorithm of UAVs are designed, and the stability of the swarm is proved correspondingly. In the end, several numerical simulation results show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed method, which illustrates the distributed control architecture of the swarm system to be more adaptable, stable, and scalable. Therefore, the proposed control algorithm provides strong theoretical support for the actual application in a large-scale fixed-wing UAV swarm system collaborative autonomy.