This paper targets to bring together the research efforts on two fields that are growing actively in the past few years: multicamera person Re-Identification (ReID) and large-scale image retrieval. We demonstrate that the essentials of image retrieval and person ReID are the same, i.e., measuring the similarity between images. However, person ReID requires more discriminative and robust features to identify the subtle differences of different persons and overcome the large variance among images of the same person. Specifically, we propose a coarse-to-fine (C2F) framework and a Convolutional Neural Network structure named as Conv-Net to tackle the large-scale person ReID as an image retrieval task. Given a query person image, the C2F firstly employ Conv-Net to extract a compact descriptor and perform the coarse-level search. A robust descriptor conveying more spatial cues is hence extracted to perform the fine-level search. Extensive experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms existing methods on two public datasets. Further, the evaluation on a large-scale Person-520K dataset demonstrates that our work is significantly more efficient than existing works, e.g., only needs 180ms to identify a query person from 520K images.