The transition of economies from production to knowledge based has captivated the concentration of corporate practitioners. Theory of Resource Based View (RBV) argues that the future performance indicator for sustainable performance for any economy will no longer be physical and financial capital but that would be intangible assets, for instance, people and their knowledge. Corporate sector, now, is in an exploration of new accounting practices in terms of intangible assets reporting into their annual reports which may help them to follow the transition from financial capital to intellectual capital (IC) reporting. With this intent of the study, four leading companies from the sectors of automobiles, textiles and banking from two competing neighbouring countries, Pakistan and India, are being selected for the sample. In this discourse, this study is undertaken to find out the relative level of IC recording and reporting. A list of 65 items of IC is identified and content analysis is used to demonstrate the level of IC disclosure in both countries. The results of the study postulate that IC reporting in two countries is very low for a selected period of 2012-2013. Out of 65 items of IC, only 3 to 4 common items are being reported by a few companies; thus, suggesting that corporate practitioners need to emphasize more rigorously towards level of reporting for achieving the competitive positioning and sustainable performance of firms.