examined for Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor [DJ Grove and DM Meade, Nucl. Fusion 25,
1167 (1985)] enhanced reverse-shear (ERS) plasmas. Both effects in combination provide
the basis of a positive-feedback model that predicts reinforced turbulence suppression with
increasing pressure gradient. Local fluctuation behavior at the onset of ERS confinement is
consistent with this framework. The power required for transitions into the ERS regime are …
The roles of turbulence stabilization by sheared E x B flow and Shafranov-shift gradients are
examined for TFTR. Enhanced Reverse-Shear plasmas. Both effects in combination provide
the basis of a positive-feedback model that predicts reinforced turbulence suppression with
increasing pressure gradient. Local fluctuation behavior at the onset of ERS confinement is
consistent with this framework. The power required for transitions into the ERS regime are
lower when high power neutral beams are applied earlier in the current profile evolution …