Media of all kinds, across all platforms, have become so integrated into modern life. An effort is needed to control the negative influences of media. Students can access media easily and they need filter to get the good source of information from media. This goal can be reached with media literacy education. This research finds that in 12 years, mainstream and new media in Lampung grows rapidly. Beside national media that distribute in Lampung, there are also local/provincial media as well as local and national TV, radio stations, e-news and social medias. High schools in Lampung Province especially Bandarlampung have already applied media literacy lesson as a part of Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) course and given to students at the last semester. In SMAN 1 Bandarlampung the media literacy focuses on information and communication technology (ICT). This in one chapter of Bahasa Indonesia course under a title Media Literacy, but only focuses on ICT. The method in this study is interview the school civities namely teacher and students. The research recommendation is that in Bandarlampung the application of Media Literacy learning can be hampered if there is no synergy between the school and Dinas Pendidikan.