One crucial issue in the discussion of the Law on Election of Governor, Regent, and Mayor is which court should be authorized to decide disputes against the results of the vote count. Both, Supreme Court (MA) and Constitutional Court (MK), are ever exercise these powers, but in practice many problems occured, such as uncertainty of the law and rise of liberal law practice. This paper does not analyze the institutional problems, but how to realize the certainty of law and stop the practice of liberal laws. As a framework, put forward the three objectives of the law, namely certainty, fairness, and usefulness. In case of tension of these three objectives, there needs to be a priority. The next frame is the phenomenon of liberal law based on Satjipto Rahardjo’s thought, which is law became a game and business. The next framework is a dispute over the results of vote counting. By paying attention to court decisions over the years, then to obtain legal certainty, it should be strict restriction that the object of the dispute is the result of the vote counting, not the election process. Implementation of these restrictions must be adhered to by the contestans, lawyers, and judges. This restriction also needs to be balanced with the improvement of the electoral process as democratic as possible and all the problems thoroughly at every stage. With such arrangement, certainty of law will be achieved and the rise of liberal law practice will be discontinued. The court process becomes more simple, effective, and inexpensive.
Salah satu persoalan krusial dalam pembahasan Undang-Undang Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati, dan Walikota, yaitu lembaga yang berwenang memutus perselisihan terhadap hasil penghitungan suara. Selama ini Mahkamah Agung (MA) dan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) pernah melaksanakan kewenangan tersebut, namun pada prakteknya banyak terjadi permasalahan yang berujung pada ketidakpastian hukum dan maraknya praktek hukum liberal. Tulisan ini tidak menganalisis masalah kelembagaan, namun bagaimana mewujudkan kepastian hukum dan menghentikan praktek hukum liberal dalam penyelesaian perselisihan hasil penghitungan suara. Sebagai kerangka pemikiran dikemukakan adanya tiga tujuan hukum, yaitu kepastian, keadilan, dan kemanfaatan, yang apabila terjadi ketegangan perlu ada prioritas. Kerangka berpikir berikutnya adanya fenomena hukum liberal berdasarkan pemikiran Satjipto Rahardjo yang menyatakan hukum menjadi permainan dan bisnis. Kerangka pemikiran berikutnya mengenai perselisihan hasil penghitungan