With the impact of climate change in India, majority of the agricultural crops are being badly affected interms of their performance over a period of last two decades. Predicting the crop yield well ahead of its harvest would help the policy makers and farmers for taking appropriate measures for marketing and storage. Such predictions will also help the associated industries for planning the logistics of their business. Several methods of predicting and modeling crop yields have been developed in the past with varying rateof success, as these don't take into account characteristicsoftheweather, a n d aremostly empirical. In the present study a software tool named `Crop Advisor' has been developed as an user friendly web page for predicting the influence of climatic parameters on the crop yields.C4.5 algorithm is used to find out the most influencing climatic parameter on the crop yields of selected crops in selected districts of Madhya Pradesh. This software provides an indication of relative influence of different climatic parameters on the crop yield, other agro-input parameters responsible for crop yield are not considered in this tool, since, application of these input parameters varies with individual fields in space and time.