Determination of plasma equilibrium parameters such as poloidal beta (β p) with half of plasma internal inductance (l i) known as Shafranov parameter (asymmetry factor)(β p+ fraktur d l i 2) and edge safety factor plays very important role in primary equilibrium and stability analysis and control of tokamak plasma. In this study, the well known Shafranov semi-empirical model, based on external magnetic measurements is used to extract Shafranov parameter and effective edge safety factor in low-β operating regime of Damavand tokamak. The well known integral representation of β p+ fraktur d l i 2 was modified for non-circular tokamaks with ellipse-like cross section. After calibration of magnetic pick-up coils, Shafranov parameter was estimated with respect to the first and second Fourier harmonic of radial and poloidal components of magnetic field. The results were compared with approximate, semi-analytical determination of Shafranov parameter which is based on analytical solution of Grad-Shafranov equation (GSE). Founding evolution of Shafranov parameter, effective edge safety factor was obtained in terms of Shafranov parameter and compared with semi-empirical description. It was found that between the ramp-up and ramp-down domain of the plasma current, the result from Shafranov model is approximately in good agreement with the semi-analytical and semi-empirical benchmarks and the integral model provides more reliable trace of the Shafranov parameter in out of ramp domains of the discharge.