Recent reports revealed that magnetic field mediated radiotherapy is rapidly broading in the areas of soft tissue therapy. Hence, the growing concerns to provide explanations for inclusion of field-imposed radiation in critical domains of arteriosclesis. Extending the reach of previous numerical reports, the present study implemented mathematical formulations based continuum assumption. Numerical computation was executed using spectra homotopy analysis to explain field-mediated reedition of physiological fluid in the regions of arteriosclerosis. Rheology of blood was considered to follow the Casson model and the region of stenoses was treated as symmetrical constriction within the arterial microvessel. Increase in blood viscosity parameter ie Casson number suffer decline with velocity of flow within the stenotic region. The defining thermal Grashoff parameter accelerates at the upstream flow region and decreases at the trailing edge of the physiological flow field. Further investing on radiation showed an increased projection of thermal energy while the flow field experienced viscous drag in the proximity of stenosis. Thermal stability in the presence of magnetic field reveal that drag perfusion as observed in the study could be harnessed to implement target delivery of radiation therapy within the region of stenosis.