There is a broad range of literature on event management, and the topic is important for sport management research (Ziakas & Boukas, 2014). Nevertheless, there are few textbooks that cover event management in sport at a basic level. This book, Managing Sport Events, is a response to the need to move beyond examining failed events (Emery, 2010) to present a broad picture of event management by emphasizing important but easily comprehensible details. For instructors, the book also includes some typical teaching resources: slides, quiz questions and answers, and chapter summaries. For students, the online resources provide questions to aid in preparing a quiz, flash cards to help instill the basic concepts, case studies to illustrate the theory in practice, and internet resources offering additional websites to visit. The authors of Managing Sport Events share basic approaches pertaining to the sport industry and its events. The authors conceptualize the sport industry as an unpredictable and fast-changing sector and is therefore aligned with the work of Van Den Hurk and Verhoest (2017). Topics covered in the book include bidding (including practical forms of bidding), sponsorship, marketing, public relations practices, contracts, risk, and staff management. The authors close the text with some practical notions of how to organize logistics and the issues affecting an event day. Every chapter starts with a practical example, and the chapters offer some basic management theories that can be helpful in the context of event management. The book would particularly suit undergraduate students developing their skills in event management. The authors deliver a relatively comprehensive picture of event management and apply a project management angle in doing so. In fact, the authors suggest that project management and event management are closely related topics. Moreover, the authors suggest that the basic management approaches (SWOT analysis, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s two-factor theory, etc.) are useful to practitioners in the event management area. Accordingly, the authors suggest lessons learned in event management within the context of sport events that could potentially be extended into the management practice of small firms who benefit from using project management tools. However, the authors do not clearly distinguish where the boundary between event management and general management practice rests (if there is one): a potential area of improvement in the next edition. For example, it would be useful to learn where a management approach could complement event management: where a long-term approach could be helpful (eg, in the areas of managing environmentally friendly targets or corporate social responsibility) and where a short term approach could be applied (eg, where the primary goal of an event is to produce profit). In addition, the authors do not consider the sport entrepreneurship angle, which seems to be growing in importance in the area of managing small sport-based businesses (eg, Ratten, 2017). In contrast, the authors assume that there is always an existing institution behind a sport event, and although such an approach is typical of work on management-related topics, it would be beneficial to expose the roots of the assumption. Additional perspectives, such as applied psychology and entrepreneurship, might complement those offered in the book; for example, Neck, Greene, and Brush (2016) explained that an entrepreneurial person should understand customer needs and that having empathy is central to doing so. In event