Generation of landslide maps is of great significance for land use planning, engineering works design and civil protection and risk reduction programmes. Landslide maps may portray past and current landslide occurrence mainly in the form of inventories, zonation of the spatial probability of future landslide occurrence in the form of susceptibility maps, zonation of its spatio-temporal probability in the form of landslide hazard maps, and the expected damage or losses by landslides as risk maps.
This chapter introduces the interrelated concepts of mapping landslide inventories, susceptibility, hazard and risk. It further presents main landslide inventory methods, contents and tools. Then it discusses the differences between landslide susceptibility and hazard mapping and provides an overview of some of the most commonly used methods of susceptibility and hazard analysis, from qualitative (heuristic) approaches to quantitative (statistical and physically based) models. It also introduces the concept of landslide risk and discusses some qualitative and quantitative approaches to risk assessment and mapping. Finally, it provides case study examples of landslide mapping approaches and programmes.