Prediction and monitoring of earthquakes and human-induced seismicity is still a crucial issue primarily due to the random nature of that phenomena. The continuous monitoring of earthquakes made by seismology is well known and developed. The remaining effects of earthquakes–ground displacements, are much more problematic in measurement. Moreover, estimation of the scale and extend of ground movements caused by that phenomena often requires a combination of several measuring and analytical techniques. Currently, satellite radar interferometry is more and more often used to observe and interpret ground movements caused by seismicity. However, due to the varying accuracy of the obtained interferometric data the use of additional analytical technique is required to retrieve reliable picture of that phenomena. Presented two-step approach concerned combining satellite radar interferometry with geostatistics to map vertical ground movement induced by the seismicity. Main goal of the research was to analyze different variograms showing ground movements obtained with the use of satellite radar interferometry in order to establish their efficiency, which could contribute to map ground movement much more accurately. Developed approach was tested in the area of human-induced earthquake occurrence, in one of the copper-ore mines in Poland. Furthermore, applied approach supports analysis of dynamics and extend of vertical displacements. On the whole, range of vertical displacements do not exceed 1 kilometer and the maximum land subsidence reached 120 mm. It was proved that satellite radar interferometry coupled with geostatistics are effective tools for analyzing and mapping sub-centimeter vertical movements, which are caused by human-induced seismicity. Presented approach can be applied worldwide, where mineral resources extraction cause earthquakes.