A mathematical model of alcohol consumption by categorizing the alcohol consumption people into four compartments names are susceptible to alcohol drinking, low alcohol drinkers, serious alcohol drinkers, and recovered alcohol drinkers. The variety of motivational research works on the consequences of drinking alcohol were discussed by including the habits like the desire to boost one's sociability, mightiness, capacity to handle issues, ability to enjoy participation in a ritual, and a desire to become intoxicated. The use of alcohol and other drugs may have significant unnecessary impacts on society as increased rates of sexual violence within and outside of the family due to abnormal conduct. Some studies stated that consuming alcohol in moderation rates may have certain health advantages, for example, decreasing the rate of getting heart disease and the possibility of lowering the rate of getting diabetes. Since the worst effects of alcohol drinking are enormous, it considers and assumed as one of the diseases in humans that the drinking/basic reproduction number R0 computed and sensitivity analysis for showing the effectiveness of R0 is carried out. The sensitivity indices may help suggest which are beneficial parameters or not for evading drinking habits. The basic reproduction number is a tool to assess the stability of the model equations. When R0 is less than 1, the system of our model is locally and asymptotically stable (LAS) at disease-free equilibrium (DFE) E0 and, when R0 is more than 1, the endemic equilibrium (EE) E* is stable. The importance of our analytical conclusions is shown by through numerical simulation. The epidemiological impacts of our results are important because the quiver made from our study through our model is the consequences of habitats becoming free from serious alcohol issues.