This study explores the concept of age-friendly neighbourhood as understood by older adults and key informants (local service providers, professionals and public officials) in Singapore. Data are collected through key informant interviews (n = 15) and focus group discussion (n = 80, age 52–82 years) in three study neighbourhoods in Singapore that have relatively high percentages of older populations. Older people and key informants are asked to describe in their own words what an age-friendly neighbourhood means to them. Qualitative content analyses are performed on the interview and discussion data to arrive at a thematic understanding of age-friendly neighbourhood in Singapore. Inclusiveness, social environment, physical environment, sense of place and safety are five key characteristics that participants have used to describe age-friendly neighbourhood. While there are widely established frameworks on age-friendly cities and communities, the findings highlight that context-specific and experiential understandings of age-friendly neighbourhood initiatives are important.