critical phenomenon that affects many regions worldwide, including temperate ones.
Mesophotic zones (from 30 to 150 meters depth) have been hypothesized to provide refuge
from climate change to gorgonian populations, a promise for re-seeding damaged or
destroyed shallow populations. Using a proteomic approach, we investigated the responses
and acclimatization ability of the yellow gorgonian Eunicella cavolini along an …
The intensification of warming-induced mass-mortalities in invertebrate populations
including in temperate regions is a critical global issue. Mesophotic zones (30–150 m depth)
have been suggested as potential refuges from climate change for gorgonian populations,
offering hope for reseeding damaged shallow populations. Using a proteomic approach, we
investigated the responses and acclimatization ability of the yellow gorgonian Eunicella
cavolini along an environmental gradient following reciprocal transplantations between …