As enzymes play a vital role in all biological systems, their regulation is also an important mechanism to drive various systems. In modern agriculture practices, the use of enzyme inhibitors to control pests and to regulate soil microbial activity is becoming an essential practice. The synthetic and natural organic chemicals are already documented for their use in pest control and fertilizers as a protectant. But these chemicals have reported some drawbacks like sensitivity to physical factors like temperature, pH, development of resistance and phytotoxicity, etc. The current review focuses on the potential and the use of metal nanomaterials as enzyme inhibitors in important agriculture practices. Various nanomaterials like lead, copper, gold, etc. were reported for their enzyme inhibition potential such as proteases, ureases, nitrate reductase, acetylcholine esterases, etc. Their potential with some conjugates as important agrochemicals such as pest control agents, fertilizers additives is briefly described in this review which will induce researchers for designing future agro formulations.